Services Offered
The FRP services focus on three main areas: recovery services, awareness and prevention, parent support.

Upon request, our team is available to intervene with at-risk students in the local schools.
This includes the "Better Options Program" (BOP) whereby the team meets on a regular basis in the schools with students who have been caught in possession of and/or under the influence of drugs/alcohol to educate and sensitize them about the dangers of their consumption.
Awareness and Prevention
The FRP works closely with schools to raise awareness and reach at-risk students.

A fundamental component of the FRP is the regular group support meetings provided for youth who have recognized that they have a problem with substance abuse and have a desire to abstain.
At the twice-weekly meetings held in Quebec City at the FRP facility, participants are encouraged to talk about their problems and receive help and support from trained professionals and their peers.
Literature dealing with a variety of related subjects ranging from addiction to health and diet is also made available to them. Meetings take place at the FRP office every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Everyone is encouraged to arrive early to socialize while enjoying prepared snacks. Transportation to and from the meetings can be arranged.
Twice-Weekly Group Meetings
Group meetings to support youth with their daily challenges and encourage sobriety.

The FRP offers individual counselling sessions with our professionals to provide youth with longer and more in-depth support.
Individual Counselling
The FRP offers individual counselling to its clients for issues related to sobriety and recovery.

We offer regular parental support meetings about the realities of addiction and recovery and to offer strategies on how to best intervene and deal with their recovering teenagers. These meetings lead to more harmonious parent-child relationships and the re-establishment of a healthy home environment.
Remember that you did not cause the problem, you cannot cure the problem, but you can learn to cope with the problem. Parents interested in attending these meetings are encouraged to contact the FRP. They usually take place from 6 to 7 p.m. at the FRP office.
Parent Support Meetings
The FRP supports parents with regular meetings to help them cope with their child’s substance abuse.

The professionals employed by the Program are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to ensure that members can contact them whenever they may need support.
24 Hour Hotline
Clients are provided with counsellor's phone numbers so that they can call 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

For a young person who is actively consuming drugs and alcohol, doing well in school is usually not a priority. Consequently, an evening study hall is held to help the newer members improve their academic performance. The study hall is supervised, and volunteer tutors are available to help clients having academic difficulties.
Study Hall
In order to support clients academically, the FRP offers a study hall at the office after school.
Success Stories
"With the FRP I could finally be who I was without judgement and develop real connections."
"When I have difficult choices to make, counselors are always available to help me make the good ones. This makes every difference in the world.
"They were always there when I needed them. They came to get me at home, they listened at 3:00 in the morning, they opened the door to me, anywhere, anytime; they helped me find jobs, they gave me advice on every single situation that I went through, they helped me financially when it was time to buy books for school, they encouraged me in everything I undertook, they accompanied me all the way to success."
"As long as I never gave up on myself, they never gave up on me."